Whether you are looking for an affordable place to purchase a home, rent an apartment, live the country life, or build the home of your dreams – there’s something here for everyone!
Residential opportunities are flourishing in the region with growing residential developments throughout the Municipal District of Taber, Town of Taber, and Town of Vauxhall.
There is also residential land for sale throughout the Municipal District, in the hamlets of Grassy Lake, Hays and Enchant. To support the residential developments throughout the region, other features yet to come will be school sites, a network of biking and walking trails, and playgrounds.
You’re not going to feel homesick at all when you stay in Taber. It really is a place to grow.
— John Michael Torno
Education in the Region
There is a diverse range of educational services located within the community. From K-12 public education, youth employment programs and professional development services, to post secondary opportunities.
Two school districts provide plenty of primary and secondary learning opportunities for all types of learners. Horizon School Division offers public schooling for over 3,500 students at 20 schools and five alternative and outreach programs.
Additionally, there is an elite sport academy in Vauxhall, as well as 19 Hutterian Brethren schools scattered throughout the Division.
Holy Spirit Catholic School Division is dedicated to providing students with an education rooted in the Catholic Faith.
The Vauxhall Academy of Baseball will strive to provide students and athletes the best coaching, training, facilities and education towards fulfilling their baseball and academic dreams. Our staff and the community will partner to provide young athletes an unparalleled baseball and rural Alberta life experience.
YEP helps youth, aged 15 to 30, get started on a personally rewarding career track by acquiring the knowledge to make decisions and the skills to get a job.
Taber Adult Learning is a community-based association that provides access to programs, courses, and services related to education, career and employment, business, literacy and English as an Additional Language (EAL).
The Taber Public Library (TPL) is another great education tool and rich resource for the community with a variety of services available.
Several world-class post secondary institutions are located nearby:
University of Lethbridge - Lethbridge, AB (approx. 60 km)
Lethbridge College - Lethbridge, AB (approx. 60 km)
Medicine Hat College - Medicine Hat, AB (approx. 120 km)

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Taber’s Newest Developments
Prairie Lake Estates is in the northwest corner of Taber; with connected walking paths and sidewalks, it makes it a short stroll to all downtown amenities.
Embracing a park-like focus, Prairie Lakes Estates offers a variety of housing opportunities complemented by pedestrian linkages, passive recreation, and visually and aesthetically appealing green space connectors. Two storm ponds serve in a multi-functional capacity as both management tools and as buffers and open space amenities.
The Town of Taber is well into the building of The Meadows, our brand-new attainable manufactured housing subdivision that will help facilitate and support the Town’s growth.
Located North of 64th Street on 50th Street, at full build-out, the Meadows of Taber will provide 302 fully-serviced lots ranging in size designed to accommodate 20 – 28 ft wide homes and an asphalt parking pad sized for two vehicles. Lot layouts are large enough to accommodate a single detached garage, large deck or lawn and garden area.
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